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Enquiries about admission are to be made to the Director of Admissions, from whom application forms may be obtained. These should be returned duly completed and signed, accompanied by copies of school leaving results and a writing sample of three pages, before the advertised closing date. Late applications may be considered upon payment of the prescribed late application fee.

Determination of admission will be by the admission committee constituted by the Rector, Dean, and one faculty member chosen by the Faculty Board.


Registration will take place during the first week of the academic year in accordance with arrangements prescribed each year by the dean or registrar of the university. A student’s registration shall not be confirmed until he or she has fulfilled the requirements for the payment of fees as prescribed by the university bursar.


A student registered for any programme of studies is expected to attend all classes prescribed for that programme, including tutorials, seminars, and any practical sessions that may be required. For absences on grounds other than that of health, prior permission of the dean or the principal is necessary. If a student is unable to attend classes for health reasons, he or she must notify the appropriate authority as soon as possible. For absences longer than 3 teaching days, one must submit in support thereof certification by a registered medical practitioner.


To plagiarise is to present the ideas or words of another as one’s own. As such, plagiarism is an academic offence since it is theft of intellectual property. Although all authors use other people’s words and ideas, the key to avoiding plagiarism is to explicitly acknowledge one’s sources by using quotation marks for direct quotations and by explicitly mentioning in the text the name of the person whose ideas or words one is using. Students should ask a faculty member if in doubt about whether a particular practice is or is not plagiarism. Any student found guilty of plagiarism may be dismissed from the university.


To be admitted to any formal examination, a student must be a registered student of the university, must have completed all the requirements of that course and must have fulfilled all their financial requirements through payment of fees


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